1 | Robert Thornton… | Organic Chemistry | 12 | New Delhi | Asoke.k | 2000 | 1278 | 547 | M 878 | |
2 | James E.Brady | General Chemistry | 1 | New York | James E | 1990 | 852 | 540 | B 798 | |
3 | Himan shuarora | Dictionary of Chemistry | 6 | India | Virender Kumar | 2007 | 379 | 540.03 | | |
4 | R.K.Prasad | Quantum Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | New age | 2006 | 523 | 541.28 | P 911 | |
5 | Franz Schwabi | Advanced Quntum | 1 | India | Springer | 2005 | 405 | 541.28 | S 398 | |
6 | Louisf.Fieser | Organic Experiments | 2 | Usa | Simultaneous | 1979 | 476 | 547 | F 466 | |
7 | | Coursein Chemistry for IIT-JEE 2007 | 1 | New Delhi | Tata Mc graw | 2007 | 1000 | 540 | | |
8 | Dudley H.Williams | Spectroscopic Methods In Organic Chemistry | 4 | London | Mc graw Hill Book | 1989 | 264 | 546.3 | W 721 | |
9 | Geoff Rayuer canham | Descriptive In Organic Chemistry | 3 | New York | Michelle Russei Julet | 2001 | 595 | 546 | C 212 | |
10 | frank J.welcher | semi micro Qualitative analysis | 1 | New Delhi | simultaneously | 1999 | 497 | 543 | W 439 | |
11 | Dr.mohammed Ali | text book of pharmceutical | 2 | New Delhi | satish kumer jan for cbs | 2006 | 475 | 547 | A 416 | |
12 | | Basic Tests For Pharmacentical | 1 | India | A.I.T.B.S | 2007 | 205 | 547.3 | | |
13 | Robert Thornton Morrison | Organic Chemistry | 4 | New Delhi | Asoke.k | 2006 | 1278 | 547 | M 878 | |
14 | K S Tewari | Organic Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Material Protected | 2006 | 1358 | 547 | T 254 | |
15 | P.W. Atkins | Atkins | 4 | Tokyo | World Wide in Oxford new | 2001 | 997 | 541.3 | A 843 | |
16 | J.L. Sharma | Biochemistry | 2 | New Delhi | Satish kumer Jon | 2004 | 357 | 574.1929 | S 531 | |
17 | Gordon M. Barrow | Physical Chemistry | 1 | Tokyo | Library of Congress | 1973 | 787 | | B 278 | |
18 | Wolfgong M. Barrow | Physical Chemistry | 1 | Britain | Data | 1997 | 1037 | 542 | W 231 | |
19 | Catherine E. Housecroft Edwinc | Chemistry | 1 | England | Data | 2006 | 1285 | 540 | H 842 | |
20 | Douglas A. Skoag | Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry | 1 | Usa | Library of Congress | 1969 | 835 | 543 | S 626 | |
21 | F.Albert Cottn | Basic In Organic Chemistry | 1 | Usa | Data | 1930 | 708 | 546 | C 851 | |
22 | P.S.Kalsi | Organic Reactions and Their Mechanisms | 1 | India | New age | 2005 | 650 | 547 | C 851 | |
23 | Raul Sutton | Chemistry for the Life Sciences | 1 | London | Data | 2000 | 200 | 540 | S 967 | |
24 | F.Albert Cottn | Basic In Organic Chemistry | 1 | New York | Simultaneously | 1987 | 708 | 546 | C 851 | |
25 | David Wilson | Ap Chemistry | 1 | New York | Simon and Schuster | 2006 | 441 | 540 | W 742 | |
26 | Philip W.Kuchel | Biochemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Data | 2003 | 559 | 574.1929 | K 95 | |
27 | Robert Thornton Morrison | Organic Chemistry | 1 | New York | | 1992 | 1325 | 547 | M 878 | |
28 | George H.Schmid | Organic Chemistry | 2 | Usa | James M.Smith | 1996 | 1208 | 547 | S 348 | |
29 | Rodney J.Sime | Physical Chemistry Calculation | 1 | San Francisco | Benjamin Cummings | 2005 | 669 | 541.3 | S 589 | |
30 | J.D.LEE | Anew Concise In Organic Chemistry | 1 | Hong Kong | Data | 1988 | 505 | 546 | L 477 | |
31 | Nuclear and Radio Chemiatry | Nuclear and Radio Chemiatry | 1 | New York | Data | 1981 | 684 | 541.38 | N 962 | |
32 | Shiner | The Systematic Identification | 2 | New York | Simultaneously | 1980 | 604 | 547.34 | S 561 | |
33 | David P.Shomemaker | Experiments In Physical Chemistry | 3 | New York | May Be Reproduced | 1989 | 890 | 541.3 | S 559 | |
34 | D.Margerison | Introduction to Polymer Chemistry | 4 | Oxford | Consent | 1967 | 294 | 541.2254 | M 328 | |
35 | K.K.Sharma | Atext Book of Physical Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Vikas Publishing | 2006 | 856 | 541.3 | S 531 | |
36 | R.M.Silverstein | Spectrometric Identification of Organic… | 3 | New York | Simultaneously | 1991 | 419 | 543.0858 | S 587 | |
37 | Tomas Engel | Thermodynamics Statistical | 1 | New York | Jimsmith | 1981 | 589 | 541 | E 57 | |
38 | Paulayurkanis Bruice | Essential Organic Chemistry | 1 | Usa | Author | 2006 | 556 | 547 | B 886 | |
39 | J.A.Jonle | Heterocyclic Chemistry | 1 | India | Blackwell | 2004 | 589 | 547.69 | J 87 | |
40 | P.A.Cox | In Organic Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Bios Scientific | 2000 | 258 | 546 | C 877 | |
41 | R.Sarkar | General In Organic Chemistry | 1 | New Centeral Book | New Centeral Book | 2005 | 497 | 546 | S 243 | |
42 | H.N.Rydon | Organic Chemistry Series two | 1 | London | May Be Reproduced | 1976 | 344 | 547.008 | R 992 | |
43 | H.A flaschka | Ouantitativ Analytical Chemistry | 1 | New York | INC.,10east 53rd Street | 1969 | 344 | 547.008 | R 992 | |
44 | V.K.Ahluwalia | Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Krishan Mlkhijani | 2006 | 637 | 540 | A 285 | |
45 | Gerasimov | Physical Chemistry | 1 | Moscow | Moscow | 1974 | 627 | 541.3 | G 354 | |
46 | Jeremy K.M. | Modren Nmrspectroscopy | 1 | New York | Data | 1997 | 314 | 543.08 | S 215 | |
47 | James E.Brady | Chemistry Matter | 1 | New York | Data | 2000 | 1083 | 540 | B 798 | |
48 | Bernard | Reactions In Solution | 1 | New York | Data | 1993 | 554 | 543 | T 789 | |
49 | J.A.Jonle | Heterocyclic Chemistry | 2 | London | Data | 1992 | 377 | 547.5 | J 86 | |
50 | R.Belcher | Ouantitativ In Organic Chemistry | 1 | London | L.T.D | 1970 | 425 | 546 | B 427 | |
51 | Donald A.Mcquarrie | Quantum Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Vinod Vasishtha | 2005 | 517 | 541.28 | M 479 | |
52 | M.G.Arora | In Dustriat Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | J.I.Kumar for Anmol | 2004 | 691 | 661 | A 769 | |
53 | R.B. Heslop | In Organic Chemistry | 2 | Amsterdam | Elsevier Sclentific | 1976 | 830 | 546 | H 583 | |
54 | G.Patrick | Organic Chemistry | 2 | New Delhi | Bios Scientific | 2003 | 315 | 547 | P 314 | |
55 | Raj K. Bansal | Organic Chemistry | 2 | New Delhi | L.T.D | 2006 | 466 | 547 | B 212 | |
56 | Danald T.Sawyer | Chemistry Experiments for instrumental… | 1 | New York | Simultaneously | 1984 | 409 | 543.08 | S 271 | |
57 | Sidney Siggia | Quantitative Organic Analysis | 1 | New York | Simultaneously | 1979 | 883 | 547.35 | S 574 | |
58 | J.D.LEE | Coursein In Organic Chemistry | 1 | India | Blackwell | 2006 | 1032 | 546 | L 481 | |
59 | Kenneth W.Bentley | The Isoquinoline Alkaloids | 1 | Australia | Harwood Academic | 1998 | 504 | 547 | B 477 | |
60 | Galen W.Ewing | In Strumental Methods of Chemical Analysis | 1 | Tokyo | Data | 1975 | 560 | 543.08 | E 59 | |
61 | D.R.Crow | Principles and Application of electrochemistry | 1 | Britain | L.T.D | 1998 | 282 | 541.372 | C 953 | |
62 | A.G.Whittaker | Physical Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | lip | 2001 | 286 | 541.3 | W 624 | |
63 | W.E.Addison | Structural Principles In Organic Compounds | 1 | Britain | Long mans | 1963 | 183 | 546 | A 525 | |
64 | Peter sykes | Aguide Book to Mechanism in organic Chemis | 1 | London | Long mans | 1964 | 269 | 547 | S 983 | |
65 | Anthouy R.west | ` | 2 | New York | Data | 1992 | 734 | 541.0421 | W 516 | |
66 | Jack Barrett | Fundamentals of In Organic Chemistry | 1 | Britain | Harwood | 1998 | 304 | 546 | B 274 | |
67 | Melvin W.Hauna | Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry | 2 | London | Data | 1981 | 284 | 541.28 | H 243 | |
68 | R.Krause-Rehberg | Positron Anuihilation in Semi-Conductors | 1 | Berlin | Data | 1999 | 378 | 541.377 | R 345 | |
69 | James N.spencer | Chemistary structure and oynamics | 1 | | John Wiley | 2007 | 737 | 540 | J 27 | |
70 | M.C.Day | Thforetical In Organic Chemistry | 1 | New York | Litton Educational | 2005 | 590 | 546 | D 273 | |
71 | Robert A.Alberty | Physical Chemistry | 2 | New York | Data | 1980 | 692 | 541.3 | A 333 | |
72 | M.P.Cady | Physical Chemistry | 1 | New York | Data | 1999 | 334 | 541.3 | C 121 | |
73 | Iran.Levine | Physical Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Tata Mc graw-Hill | 2002 | 985 | 541.3 | L 665 | |
74 | Emil W.Ciurczak | Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench | 1 | New York | Simultaneously | 1998 | 476 | 543 | C 565 | |
75 | frank J.welcher | semi micro Qualitative analysis | 2 | New York | D.Van Nostrand | 1969 | 465 | 544 | W 439 | |
76 | Vogels | Quantitative chemical analysis | 1 | Singapore | Data | 2000 | 806 | 540 | | |
77 | Sime | Physical Chemistry Calculation | 1 | San Francisco | Pearson | 2005 | 671 | 541.3 | S 589 | |
78 | Tomas L.Gilehrist | Heterocyclic Chemistry | 1 | China | Data | 1998 | 414 | 547.59 | G 467 | |
79 | Willard Merritt Dean | In Strumental Methods of Analysis | 1 | New York | D.Van Nostrand | 1974 | 860 | 543 | W 691 | |
80 | I.M.Kolthoff | Phand Electro Titratious | 1 | London | Written Permission | 1944 | 189 | 541.3 | K 81 | |
81 | RAJ K. Bansal | Heterocyclic Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | New age | 2006 | 559 | 547.59 | B 212 | |
82 | Raphqel Ikan | Naturl Products | 1 | New York | Data | 1991 | 360 | 547.0028 | I 26 | |
83 | Delahay | Instrumental Analysis | 1 | New York | Simultaneously | 1957 | 348 | 541.3 | D 331 | |
84 | Harold A.Wittcoff | In Dustriat Organic Chemistry in Perspective | 2P | New York | Simultaneously | 1980 | 502 | 661.8 | W 827 | |
85 | George Davidson | Groub Theory for Chemistry | 1 | Hong Kong | L.T.D | 1991 | 212 | 541.2 | D 252 | |
86 | Mark Ladd | Symmetry and Groub Theroy In Chemistry | 1 | Horwood | Horwood | 1998 | 398 | 540.1 | L 154 | |
87 | A.K.Hollidy | In Organic Chemistry In Non-Aqueous... | 2 | Oxford | Robert Maxwell | 1965 | 143 | 546 | H 739 | |
88 | Louisf.Fieser | Organic Experiments | 1 | Usa | Simultaneously | 1983 | 467 | 547 | F 466 | |
89 | Sienko | Chemistry | 1 | Tokyo | L.T.D | 1971 | 728 | 540 | S 572 | |
90 | E.Sherwin | Chemistry Of The Non- Metallic Elements | 1 | Oxford | Robert Maxwell | 1966 | 190 | 546.2 | S 554 | |
91 | Hart | Organic Chemistry A Short Course | 1 | Usa | Data | 1983 | 443 | 547 | H 325 | |
92 | Douglas A. Skoag | Principles of InStrumental Analysis | 2 | New York | Data | 1985 | 879 | 543.08 | S 626 | |
93 | Adi Eisenberg | Introduction to Inomers | 1 | New York | Simultaneously | 1998 | 327 | 547.84 | E 36 | |
94 | Wiley | Molecular Oreital Theroy for Organic Chemistry | 1 | New York | Data | 1961 | 489 | 547 | W 667 | |
95 | C.Somes Ware Rao | The Chemistry of Process Development in Fine… | 1 | New Delhi | Kamal-Jagasia | 2006 | 1311 | 615.19 | R 215 | |
96 | D.M.Pmingos | Essential Rends in Organic Chemistry | 1 | New York | United States | 1944 | 388 | 546 | M 663 | |
97 | Christie Jotin Geanokoplis | Transport Processes and Separation Process… | 1 | Usa | Bernard Good Win | 2003 | 1025 | 660 | G 292 | |
98 | Roge W.Alder | Mechanism in Organic Chemistry | 1 | New York | L.T.D | 1971 | 378 | 547 | A 361 | |
99 | R.P.Rastogi | An Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics | 1 | New Delhi | Vikas | 2006 | 626 | 541.36 | R 231 | |
100 | George H.Bell | Text book of Physiology and Biochemistry | 1 | London | Long mans | 1972 | 1158 | 547.73 | B 433 | |
101 | Bruce H.Mahan | Chemistry | 1 | Tokyo | With Out Write Permission | 1967 | 666 | 540 | M 214 | |
102 | E.Brian Smith | Basich Chemical the Modynamics | 1 | Oxford | Oxford | 1972 | 125 | 541.36 | S 646 | |
103 | DR.U.N.Panda | Biochemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Virender Kumar | 2005 | 154 | 574.192 | P 189 | |
104 | Joel R.Fried | Polymer Science and Technology | 1 | New Delhi | With Out Write Permission | 2005 | 582 | 547.84 | F 899 | |
105 | Tomas Engel | Physical Chemistry | 1 | New York | Jim smith | 2005 | 1021 | 541.3 | E 57 | |
106 | G.K.Vemulapalli | Physical Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Asoke.k | 1993 | 991 | 541.3 | V 394 | |
107 | Philip D.Mayne | Clinical Chemistry in Diagnosis and Treatment | 1 | London | British | 1971 | 468 | 616.056 | M 472 | |
108 | Emil L.Smith | Principles of Biochemistry | 1 | New York | Data | 1981 | 886 | 574.192 | S 642 | |
109 | G.L.Hofacker | Chemical Physics | 20 | Amsterdam | North-Holland | 1976 | 506 | 541 | H 685 | |
110 | Gerhard Pensl | Silicon Carbide and Related Materials | 1 | Usa | L.T.D | 2001 | 833 | 546.68 | P 418 | |
111 | f | Practical Organic Chemistry | 1 | Britain | Long mans | 1974 | 1188 | 547.34 | V 878 | |
112 | H.A.O Hill | Metal Sites in Proteins and Models | 1 | New York | Springer | 1997 | 215 | 574.192 | H 645 | |
113 | L.G.Wade | Organic Chemistry | 1 | Usa | Pearson | 2006 | 1262 | 547 | W 119 | |
114 | F.Albert Cottn | Chemical Applications of Group Theory | 2 | New York | Interscience | 1947 | 289 | 540.1 | C 851 | |
115 | Geoffrey A.Cordell | The Alkaloids Chemistry and Pharmacology | 1 | London | Acid-Free Paper | 1997 | 405 | 615.19 | C 794 | |
116 | Warren L.Mccabe | Unitoperations of Engineering | 1 | New York | Data | 1993 | 1130 | 660.296 | M 479 | |
117 | Octave Edition | Chemical Reaction Eneineering | 1 | New York | Simultaneously | 1972 | 578 | 660.296 | L 657 | |
118 | J.D Haruman | Chemistry of Synthetic Drugs | 2 | New Delhi | A.I.T.B.S | 2006 | 312 | 615.1 | D 533 | |
119 | R Gopalan | Coordination Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Vikas | 2006 | 403 | 546 | G 573 | |
120 | Norbert W.Tietz | Fundament Tals of Clinical Chemistry | 2 | London | With Out Write Permission | 1970 | 1263 | 616.056 | T 559 | |
121 | H.J.Emeleus | Advances in inorganic chemistry Radiochemistry | 1 | New York | | 1985 | 335 | 546 | E 53 | |
122 | R.S.Ramatho | Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Production | 1 | New York | L.T.D | 1983 | 580 | 628.3 | R 622 | |
123 | Frank Jahn | Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production | 1 | Amsterdam | S L S Evier | 1998 | 384 | 547.01 | J 25 | |
124 | J.M.Coulson | Chemical Engineering | 1 | Oxford | Data | 1962 | 591 | 660.298 | C 855 | |
125 | J.Robbins | Ions in Solution 2 an Introduction to Electro Che.. | 1 | Oxford | L.T.D | 1972 | 127 | 541.37 | R 632 | |
126 | James B.Riggs | Chemical Process Control | 1 | Usa | Lubbock.Texas | 2001 | 545 | 620 | A 569 | |
127 | George T.Austin | Shreves Chemical Process Industries | 1 | New York | Data | 1985 | 859 | 660 | A 935 | |
128 | Suzanne Bell | Forensic Chemistry | 1 | Usa | Pearson | 2006 | 671 | 540.34 | B 433 | |
129 | Ashok K.Gupta | Introduction to Pharmaceutics-I | 1 | New Delhi | S.K.Jain | 2006 | 313 | 615 | G 896 | |
130 | Fred W.Billmeyer | Text Book of Polymer Science | 1 | New York | Data | 1984 | 578 | 547.84 | B 596 | |
131 | Carl A. Burtis | Funddanmenttals of Clinical Chemistry | 2 | London | Data | 1996 | 881 | 616.056 | B 973 | |
132 | | Modern Methods of Chemical Analysis | 2 | New York | Data | 1996 | 563 | 543.08 | ـ | |
133 | Susan Budarari | The Merck Index | 1 | Usa | Merck | 1989 | 6894 | 540 | B 927 | |
134 | Walter W.Linstromberg | Organic Experiments | 1 | Usa | Simultaneously | 1983 | 323 | 547 | L 759 | |
135 | John Mcmurry | Chemistry | 1 | Usa | Data | 1995 | 1001 | 540 | M 479 | |
136 | L.I.martynenko | Methodological | 1 | Australia | Data | 1986 | 247 | 546 | | |
137 | Pqulaurkanis Bruice | Organic Chemistry | 1 | Usa | Data | 2006 | 557 | 547 | B 886 | |
138 | K.Seott | Hand Book of In Dustrial Membranes | 1 | Oxford | L.T.D | 1997 | 912 | 660 | S 425 | |
139 | Ottow.Nitz | Introductory Chemistry | 1 | New York | Kevin Kane | 1993 | 365 | 540 | N 728 | |
140 | Block | Inorganic Medicinal and Pharmacentical Chemistry | 1 | Usa | Data | 1974 | 472 | 615.19 | B 651 | |
141 | Jaime N.Delgalo | Text Book of Organic Medicinal and Pharmace…. | 1 | Usa | Oxford | 1980 | 909 | 615.19 | D 352 | |
142 | Eddy Tessens | Quantitative Relationsh Ips….. | 2 | Malaysia | Data | 1993 | 190 | 543 | T 338 | |
143 | Peter sykes | Aguide Book to Mechanism in organic Chemis | 1 | New Delhi | L.T.D | 1975 | 360 | 547 | S 983 | |
144 | James B.Riggs | An Introduction to Numerical Methods | 1 | Usa | Data | 1994 | 472 | 660 | R 569 | |
145 | H.A.Flaschka | Quantitative Analytkal Chemistry | 1 | Usa | INC | 1969 | 290 | 545 | F 568 | |
146 | J.S.Kirkatdy | Aspects of Modren Ferrous Metallurgy | 1 | London | British | 1964 | 356 | 660 | K 46 | |
147 | A.M.Rizk | The Phyto Chemistry of the Flora of Qatar | 1 | Britain | ISBN | 1986 | 582 | 631.8 | R 627 | |
148 | Jon Mccleverty | Chemistry of the First-row Transition.. | 1 | Oxford | Data | 1999 | 90 | 547 | M - | |
149 | A.F.Pozhar Skil | Heterocycles in Life and Society | 1 | New York | Data | 1996 | 301 | 547.5 | P 893 | |
150 | Roge W.Alder | Mechanism in Organic Chemistry | 1 | New York | L.T.D | 1971 | 378 | 547 | A 361 | |
151 | John D.Roberts | Organic Chemistry | 1 | Usa | Data | 1974 | 848 | 547 | R 639 | |
152 | Raymond Chang | Chemistry | 4 | New Delhi | Data | 2005 | 1039 | 540 | C 454 | |
153 | F.Basolo | Elements of Scereo Chemistry | 1 | New York | Usa | 1969 | 98 | 547 | B 111 | |
154 | Paul H.Watton | Beginning Group Theory For Chemistry | 1 | Tokyo | L.T.D | 1998 | 147 | 541.2 | W 236 | |
155 | N.N.Greenwood | Chemistry of The Elements | 1 | Oxford | Data | 1984 | 1542 | 546 | G 795 | |
156 | Bruce H.Mahan | University Chemistry | 1 | London | Simultaweously | 1975 | 848 | 540 | M 214 | |
157 | Revised By G.Svehia | Vogels Qualitative in Organic Analysis | 1 | New Delhi | L.T.D | 2001 | 374 | 546 | S 497 | |
158 | H.A.Flaschka | Quantitatvie Analytical Chemistry | 1 | Usa | INC | 1969 | 594 | 543 | F 568 | |
159 | Jag Mohan | Organic Spectroscopy | 1 | New Delhi | Data | 2007 | 547 | 547 | M 697 | |
160 | Francis J.Chlapowski | Biochemistry | 1 | New York | Data | 1999 | 237 | 574.192 | C 426 | |
161 | J.D.Gilchrist | Eetraction Metallurgy | 1 | Oxford | L.T.D | 1969 | 291 | 541.3 | G 463 | |
162 | John Bernard Henry | Clinical Diagnosis and Management | 1 | London | Data | 1996 | 1556 | 616.059 | B 519 | |
163 | James W.Amyx | Petroleum Reservolr Engineering | 1 | New York | Data | 1960 | 610 | 541.3 | A 531 | |
164 | B.G.Kyle | Chemical and Process Thermody Namic | 1 | New Delhi | Data | 1992 | 567 | 541.3 | K 99 | |
165 | H.Robert Horton | Principles of Biochemistry | 1 | Usa | Pearson | 2006 | 852 | 579.192 | | |
166 | Pandey | Atext Book of Chemical Technology | 1 | New Delhi | L.T.D | 1994 | 532 | 540 | P 189 | |
167 | Rastogi | Outlines of Biochemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Satish Kumar | 2006 | 282 | 574.192 | R 231 | |
168 | Jacqueline…. | Chemistry | 1 | New York | Data | 1990 | 916 | 540 | K 93 | |
170 | | Chemical Abstract | 1 | | | | 1100 | 547 | | |
171 | SHRIVER AND ATKINS | INORganic Chemistry | 3 | | BOSTON | 2007 | 792 | 540 | S 582 | |
172 | د0 اسماعيل محمد الظاهر | التحليل الالي العملي | 1 | الجامعه المستنصرية | الرواد للطباعه | | 119 | 543 | ظ 292 | |
173 | Lubert stryer | Biochemistry | 1 | Usa | Data | | 1089 | 574.192 | L 926 | |
174 | John H. BLOCK | Organic Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chmistry | 1 | Usa | Data | 2004 | 991 | 616.19 | J 65 | |
175 | Georg C. Pimentel | CHEMICAL Bonding Clarified Through Quantum Mechanics | 1 | San Francisco | USA | 1985 | 342 | 541.3 | S766 | |
176 | H. Robert Horton | Biochemistry | 1 | Pearson | Usa | 2006 | 852 | 540 | R 628 | |
177 | Francis T.S.Yu | Optical Pattern Recognition | 1 | USA | USA | | 638 | 535 | Y 52 | |
178 | S.K.Agarwala | Advanced Inorganic Chemistry | 1 | | | 2005 | 416 | 546 | A 261 | |
179 | Daniel C.Harris | Quantitative chemical analysis | 1 | Usa | W.H.FREE MAN | 2003 | 744 | 547 | D 167 | |
180 | Raymond Chang | Chemistry | 5 | New Delhi | Data | 2005 | | 540 | C 454 | |
181 | carey | Organic Chemistry | 12 | New Delhi | Data | 2006 | 1271 | 547 | C 273 | |
182 | Janice Smith | Organic Chemistry | 7 | New Delhi | Data | 2006 | 1048 | 548 | J33 | |
183 | Katherine J. Denniston | General, Organic , and Biochemistry | 3 | New Delhi | Data | 2006 | 801 | 574.192 | D 411 | |
184 | Robert H. Perry | Perrys chemichl engineers handbook | 1 | Mc Graw | Japan | 1984 | 2000 | 660.296 | R 628 | |
185 | N.Akhmetov | General and Inorganic Chemistry | 1 | Moscow | Mir | 1987 | 670 | 546 | C 914 | |
186 | F.Albert Cotton | Basic In Organic Chemistry | 1 | Moscow | Mir | 1987 | 670 | 546 | C 914 | |
187 | Catherine E. Housecroft | Chemistry | 1 | England | Pearson | 2006 | 1285 | 540 | H 842 | |
188 | S. Chand | Advanced Inorganic Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | | 2008 | 656 | 564 | P811 | |
189 | Murray Epstein MD | Calcium Antagonitsis in Clinical Medicine | 2 | Hanley | Flirida | 2002 | 852 | 616.056 | M272 | |
190 | John A.Riddick | Organic Solvents | 1 | USA | Data | 1986 | 1325 | 547 | J 65 | |
191 | Arthur I . Vogel | Macro and Semimicro Qualtaive inorganic analysis | 2 | USA | Data | | 663 | 546 | V 878 | |
192 | P.W. Atkins | The Elments of Physical Chemistry | 1 | Oxford | | 1997 | 183 | 541.3 | A 843 | |
193 | Chip Lovett | Understanding Chemistry | 3 | Mc Graw | Data | 2005 | 179 | 540 | R 263 | |
194 | Spencer L. Seager | Chemistry For Today | 1 | USA | Data | 2008 | 761 | 540 | M 623 | |
195 | karen C.Timberlke | Chemistry | 2 | San Francisco | Pearson | 2006 | 661 | 540 | k 18 | |
196 | R .Norris Shreve | The chemistry of Process Industries | 1 | Mc Graw | Tokyo | | 1004 | 660 | S 568 | |
197 | D.R.Stranks | Chemistry Astrutural view | 1 | Australia | Australia | 1970 | 516 | 540 | S 897 | |
198 | James E .HUHEEY | Inorganic Chemistry | 1 | Singapore | Harper | 1972 | 737 | 546 | J 28 | |
199 | V . K .Ahluwalia | Organic Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Viva | 2006 | 407 | 547 | A 285 | |
200 | Cotton and Wilinson | Advanced Inorganic Chemistry | 1 | Newyork | John Wiley | 1972 | 1145 | 546 | C 846 | |
201 | A.V.S.S. Rama RAO | Biochemistry | 1 | New Delhi | | 1989 | 538 | 547.19 | R 165 | |
202 | Iran.Levine | Quantum Chemistry | 1 | USA | Pearson | 2009 | 751 | 545 | I 65 | |
203 | peter D. Riley | Mastering Chemistry | 1 | Malaysia | | 2000 | 261 | 540 | R 573 | |
204 | Bernard Jensen | Guid to body Chemistry & Nutrition | 1 | USA | K eats | 2000 | 139 | 641 | B 517 | |
205 | S.S.DARA | Engineering Chemistry | 1 | INDIA | | 2000 | 960 | 660.41 | D 113 | |
206 | Thomas M. Delivn | Biochemistry | 1 | Usa | John Wiley | 2010 | 1203 | 574.192 | T 449 | |
207 | T.W. Graham Solomons | Organic Chemistry | 1 | Newyork | John Wiley | 2011 | 1163 | 547 | G 739 | |
208 | EdWARD STAUNTON WEST | Biochemistry | 1 | Usa | | 1970 | 1595 | 574.192 | | |
209 | K.D. Sharma | Numerical chemistry for competitions | 1 | New Delhi | | 2000 | 1510 | 540 | S 524 | |
210 | W.J. Whelan | Biochemistry | 3 | London | | | 441 | 574.192 | W 556 | مجلد 5+6+6 |
211 | Arun Bahl | Physical Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | | 2006 | 1142 | 541.3 | A 793 | |
212 | V .Alexeyev | Quantitative Analysis | 1 | Union of soviet | | 1988 | 519 | 547 | A 374 | |
213 | Satya Prakash | Advanced Inorganic Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | S.chand | 2010 | 1391 | 546 | P 811 | |
214 | Harold Hart | Organic Chemistry | 1 | Usa | | 2007 | 575 | 547 | h292 | |
215 | Wahid U. Malik | Selected Topics in inorganic chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | S.chand | 2009 | 789 | 546 | M 251 | |
216 | James E.Girard | Principles of Environmental chemistry | 1 | Usa | | 2005 | 677 | 540 | J 27 | |
217 | Schaum s | Physical Chemistry | 1 | Usa | Mc Graw | 1989 | 500 | 541.13 | C 583 | |
218 | Raymond Chang | Chemistry | 16 | Mc Graw | Data | 2003 | 462 | 540 | S 582 | |
219 | R.D.MADEN | Modern Inorganic chemistry | 2 | NewDelhi | S.chand | 2000 | 1520 | 546 | M 111 | |
220 | Martin S.Sillberberg | Princiiples of general chemistry | 3 | NewDelhi | Mc Graw | 2007 | 792 | 540 | S 582 | |
221 | Mark M.Benjamin | Water chmistry | 6 | NewDelhi | Mc Graw | 2002 | 668 | 540 | M 298 | |
222 | Ruth Ballweg,MPA,PA-C | Physician Assistant | 3 | Usa | SAUNDERS | 2003 | 1048 | 541.3 | R 972 | |
223 | Robert D.Braun | Introduction Instrumental… | 1 | New York | Mc Graw-Hall | 1987 | 1006 | 543 | B 814 | |
224 | Oswald | ChromIum plating | 1 | England | L.T.D | 1954 | 611 | 546 | O 986 | |
225 | Andrew Dessler | The Chemistry and Physics of Stratospheric Ozone | 5 | San Francisco | Academic Press | 2000 | 214 | 541.3 | A 562 | |
226 | Michell J.Sienko | Chemistry | 1 | Tokyo | Mc Graw | 1976 | 624 | 540 | S 572 | اهداء من د. ماجدة غازي |
227 | Thomas G.Chasteen | Qualitative | 1 | New York | John Wiley | 1993 | 131 | 543 | C 489 | |
228 | Abraham White | Biochemistry | 1 | | | | 1295 | 574.192 | A 118 | 365 |
229 | T.W. Graham Solomons | Organic Chemistry | 1 | New York | John Wiley | 2000 | 1258 | 547 | G 739 | اهداء من د. ساجد |
230 | R.B. Heslop | Inorganic chemistry | 1 | Amsterdam | Elsevier Sclentific | 1976 | 829 | 546 | H 432 | اهداء من د. ساجد |
231 | F. Albert Cotton | Chemical Applications of Group Theory | 1 | New York | John Wiley | 1990 | 461 | 540 | A 333 | اهداء من د. ساجد |
232 | Kamal Abu Dari | Experimental General Chemistry ( Laboratory) | 1 | | | 1983 | | | | اهداء من د. ساجد |
234 | William I. Masterton | Chemistry | 1 | New York | SAUNDERS | 1989 | 991 | 540 | W 716 | اهداء من د. ساجد |
| | | | | | | | | | |
الفيــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــزياء | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
1 | John D.Kraus | Electromagnetics | 1 | London | Data | 1984 | 775 | 537 | K 91 | |
2 | Albert Paul Malvion | Electronic Principles | 1 | New York | Data | 1973 | 761 | 537.5 | M 262 | |
3 | Samule Y.Liao | Microwave Devices and Circuits | 1 | Usa | Data | 1990 | 542 | 537.543 | L 693 | |
4 | Fred J.Taylor | Princples of Signals and Systems | 1 | New York | Data | 1994 | 562 | 537.534 | T 238 | |
5 | Devdas Shetty | Mechatronics System Design | 1 | London | pws | 1997 | 422 | 537.534 | L 694 | |
6 | Robert Martin Eisberg | Fundamentals of Modren Physics | 3 | Usa | Jon wiley | 1961 | 729 | 539 | E 36 | |
7 | R.Kraus Rehberg | positron | 1 | Tokyo | Springer | 1999 | 378 | 530.41 | R 345 | |
8 | Anthony Esposito | Fluid Power | 1 | Oxford | Data | 2003 | 656 | 530.42 | E77 | |
9 | Howard S.Goldberg | Physics of Stellar Evolution and Comsology | 1 | New York | Data | 1987 | 390 | 523.01 | G 618 | |
10 | G.V.Ragnor | Metal Physics and Phyical Metallurgy | 1 | New York | L.T.D | 1958 | 426 | 530.4 | R 276 | |
11 | S.V.Gaponenko | Optical Properties of Semicondutor Nanocrystals | 1 | Usa | Cambridge | 1998 | 245 | 530 | G 111 | |
12 | Daniei V.Schroeder | Thermal Physics | 1 | Amsterdam | Usa | 2000 | 422 | 536 | S 291 | |
13 | David J.Griffiths | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | 1 | London | Prentic Hall | 2005 | 468 | 530.12 | G 853 | |
14 | W.Edward Gettys | Physics Classical and Modern | 2 | New York | Usa | 1964 | 1093 | 539 | G 394 | |
15 | A.H.Cottrell | The Mechanical Properties of Matter | 1 | New York | Usa | 1964 | 430 | 530.4 | C 847 | |
16 | Stalin Malhotlra | Physics | 2 | New Delhi | Tata Mc graw-Hill | 2007 | 574 | 530 | M 249 | |
17 | S.Sugano | Magneto Optics | 1 | Tokyo | Springer | 1990 | 334 | 537.56 | S 947 | |
18 | R.C.Hibbeler | Dynamics | 1 | Usa | Pearson | 2004 | 688 | 531 | H 624 | |
19 | P.Meystre | Elements of Quantum Optics | 1 | New Delhi | Springer | 2006 | 432 | 535.15 | M 616 | |
20 | Alan Giambattista | College Physics | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2007 | 286 | 530 | G 432 | |
21 | Francis Weston Sears | Optics | 7 | Amsterdam | Usa | 1974 | 390 | 535 | S 287 | |
22 | B.L.Worsnop | Physical Constants | 1 | London | Data | 1958 | 79 | 530 | W 931 | |
23 | M.Morris | Digital Design | 1 | London | L.T.D | 1984 | 492 | 537 | M 875 | |
24 | Aselvarajan | Optical Fiber Commuicarion | 1 | New Delhi | Mc graw Hill Book | 2006 | 353 | 535 | S 469 | |
25 | J.Sharpe | Nuclear Radiation | 1 | London | L.T.D | 1955 | 185 | 539.7 | S 532 | |
26 | | General Physics | 1 | | | | 708 | 530 | | |
27 | E.Armitage | Sixth From Practical | 1 | Britain | L.T.D | 1964 | 256 | 530.4 | A 661 | |
28 | W.S.C.Williams | Nuclear and Particle | 1 | Oxford | Data | 1996 | 385 | 539.7 | W 721 | |
29 | Henry Semat | Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics | 1 | New York | Usa | 1972 | 712 | 539.7 | S 471 | |
30 | Robert Resnick | Physics | 3 | New York | Jon wiley | 1966 | 1214 | 530 | R 434 | |
31 | M Chretien | Atomic Physics and Astrophysics | 1 | New York | L.T.D | 1973 | 337 | 539.7 | C 553 | |
32 | Bradley B.Carroll | Modren Stellar Astro Physics | 1 | New York | INC | 1996 | 752 | 523.8 | C 319 | |
33 | H.Haken | The Ptysics of Atoms and Quantam | 2 | New York | Springer | 2000 | 503 | 535.15 | H 155 | |
34 | B.MarionS | Clasasical Electro Magnetic Padiation | 1 | New York | L.T.D | 1972 | 479 | 535 | M 391 | |
35 | Walter R.Bean | Elctronics of Soild | 1 | New York | Mc graw Hill Book | 1965 | 633 | 531 | B 365 | |
36 | Keith R.Carver | Electromag Netics | 1 | New York | Data | 1990 | 826 | 537 | C 331 | |
37 | Yunus A.Cengel | Thermodynamics | 1 | New York | Data | 1989 | 867 | 536 | C 395 | |
38 | E.Armitage | Modren Advanced Level Practical Physics | 1 | London | Jon wiley | 1967 | 87 | 531.16 | A 733 | |
39 | | Problems in General Physics | 1 | Moscow | Mir | 1988 | 386 | 530 | | |
40 | | General Physics | 1 | Tokyo | Data | | 571 | 530 | | |
41 | Mervill I-Skolnik | Radar Handbook | 1 | New York | Usa | 1970 | | 621.3848 | S 111 | |
42 | | Physics | 1 | New York | Data | | 341 | 530.11 | | |
43 | Joseph A | Electric Circuits | 2 | Usa | Mc graw Hill Book | 1972 | 288 | 537.1 | | |
44 | Franeis Heston | Electricity and Magnetism | 1 | New York | Data | | 460 | 537 | S 287 | |
45 | Kanaan Kano | Semiconductor Devices | 1 | London | Data | 1998 | 480 | 621.38 | K 11 | |
46 | Theodore F.Bogart | Experiments In Electronic Devices and Circuitu | 1 | Usa | Prentic Hall | 2001 | 297 | 621.381 | B 674 | |
47 | Pmmathews | Atext Book of Quantum Mechanics | 1 | New Delhi | Mc graw Hill Book | 2006 | 387 | 535.15 | M 428 | |
48 | P.T.Matthews ,F.R.S. | Introduction Quantum Mechanics | 1 | New York | Data | 1988 | 208 | 530.12 | M 437 | |
49 | Frederick Lyons Brown | Demonstration Experiments | 1 | Usa | Data | 1936 | 545 | 530 | B 877 | |
50 | B.R.Martin | Particle Physics | 1 | New York | Data | 2001 | 366 | 531 | M 379 | |
51 | Charles A.Desoer | Basic Circuit Thory | 1 | London | Mc graw Hill Book | 1984 | 875 | 537 | D 467 | |
52 | B.Bland | Lasers and Non-linear Optics | 2 | New Delhi | L.T.D | 2006 | 262 | 535 | L 367 | |
53 | Marvi Jay | Euclidean and Non-euclidean | 1 | New York | Data | 1999 | 483 | 520 | G 789 | |
54 | | Modren Ptysics | 1 | | | | 993 | 539 | | |
55 | Ernest O.Doebelin | Measurement System | 1 | New York | Data | 1983 | 876 | 621.373 | D 649 | |
56 | Berni Alder | Methods in Computational Physics | 1 | New York | Data | 1963 | 271 | 530.12 | A 361 | |
57 | Kallash Gajraj | Microwave Engineering | 1 | New Delhi | Paragon | 2005 | 325 | 537.534 | G 144 | |
58 | Charles F.Park | Oredeposits | 1 | San Francisco | Data | 1975 | 530 | 550 | P 235 | |
59 | E.Armitage | Practical Physics | 3 | London | Jon wiley | 1972 | 280 | 521.1 | A 732 | |
60 | Umran S.Inan | Electromagnetic | 1 | New Delhi | Prentic Hall | 2000 | 507 | 538 | I | |
61 | Schaums | Physics | 1 | New York | Mc graw Hill Book | 1970 | 522 | 530.41 | W 499 | |
62 | L.S.Zhdanov | Physics | 1 | Moscow | Mir | 1980 | 640 | 530 | Z 11 | |
63 | | Physics 1 | 1 | | | | 646 | | | |
64 | R.H.Cerni | Introduction for Engineering | 1 | New York | Jon wiley | 1962 | 456 | 621.38 | C 411 | |
65 | Edward S.Yang | Microelectronic Devices | 1 | New York | Mc graw Hill Book | 1988 | 447 | 621.38 | Y 21 | |
66 | Clerence E.Bennett | Physics Problems | 2 | New York | Barnes | 1973 | 277 | 530 | B 471 | |
67 | J.G.Taylor | Quantum Mechanics an Introdcution | 1 | London | L.T.D | 1970 | 207 | 530.12 | T 238 | |
68 | G.A.G. Bennet | Practice in Physics | 1 | London | L.T.D | 1979 | 123 | 530 | B 469 | |
69 | Sandhyan Mitra | Genetic Engineering | 1 | New Delhi | L.T.D | 2006 | 725 | 621 | M 679 | |
70 | A.J.Pointion | An Introduction to Statistical Physics | 1 | Britain | Long mans | 1967 | 199 | 530.13 | ee | |
71 | N.P.Yudin | Nuclear Physics | 1 | Moscow | Mir | 1982 | 445 | 539.7 | Y 94 | |
72 | David J.Griffiths | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | 1 | London | Prentic Hall | 1994 | 394 | 530.12 | G 855 | |
73 | Joseph N.Tatarewicz | Space Technology | 1 | Usa | Data | 1990 | 190 | 520 | T111 | |
74 | Paul G.Hewitt | Physics Science | 1 | Usa | Pearson | 2004 | 864 | 530 | H 611 | |
75 | Ken Dopsrn | The Physics World | 1 | New Delhi | Jon wiley | 1991 | 268 | 530 | D 635 | |
76 | A.P.French | Special Relativity | 1 | Britain | Van Nostrand | 1987 | 286 | 530.11 | F 873 | |
77 | J.P.Agrawal | Introductiory Quantum Mechanics | 1 | Pritain | Pragati | 2005 | 311 | 530.12 | A 227 | |
78 | S.Balakirshan | Physics of The Soild State | 1 | London | L.T.D | 1969 | 540 | 530.41 | B 171 | |
79 | J.K.Meriam | EngineeringMechanics | 1 | New York | Jon wiley | 1998 | 524 | 531 | M 561 | |
80 | E.Armitage | Sixth Form Practical Physics | 1 | London | Jon wiley | 1966 | 256 | 530 | A 729 | |
81 | Linus Pauling | Introduction to Quantum Mechanics | 1 | Tokyo | Mc graw Hill Book | 1935 | 468 | 530.12 | P 324 | |
82 | Nurin Mohsenin | Physical Properties of Plant and Animal | 1 | New York | L.T.D | 1978 | 742 | 530.47 | M 697 | |
83 | M.Chretien | Atomic Physics and Astrophysics | 2 | New York | Prentic Hall | 1969 | 337 | 539 | C 553 | |
84 | Mars G.Fontana | Corrosion Engineering | 1 | New York | Mc graw Hill Book | 1986 | 556 | 620 | F 679 | |
85 | Francis A.Jenhins | Fundamentals of Optics | 1 | Tokyo | Mc graw Hill Book | 1957 | 637 | 535 | J 51 | |
86 | Sidney H.Avner | Introduction to Physical Metallurgy | 1 | New Delhi | Mc graw Hill Book | 1997 | 696 | 530.4 | A 945 | |
87 | Af Gibson | Soild State Physics | 1 | Britain | L.T.D | 1976 | 286 | 530.4 | G 448 | |
88 | Francis Weston Sears | Mechanics Heat and Sound | 1 | London | Addison | 1964 | 571 | 530 | S 285 | |
89 | A.B.French | An Introduction to Quantum Physics | 2 | London | Ohapman Hall | 1989 | 670 | 530.12 | F 873 | |
90 | Raymond J.Seeger | New World Physicity | 1 | Oxford | Data | 1973 | 190 | 530 | S 451 | |
91 | Bernad L.Cohen | Concepts of Nuclear Physic | 1 | New York | Mc graw Hill | 1971 | 435 | 539.7 | C 652 | |
92 | Harvey Brace Lemon | An Introduction to Physics | 1 | London | Usa | 1946 | 451 | 539.7 | L 556 | |
93 | Alans.Morris | Princples of Measurement and Instrumenttation | 1 | New York | Prentic Hall | 1993 | 471 | 530.16 | M 875 | |
94 | Dare A.Wells | Lagrangian Dynamics | 1 | New Delhi | Mc graw Hill Book | 2005 | 353 | 531 | W 453 | |
95 | Noel M.Morris | Logic Circuits | 1 | London | Mc graw Hill | 1976 | 221 | 530 | M 875 | |
96 | William Scheweber | Elcectronic Communication System | 1 | London | Prentice Hall | 1999 | 788 | 621.381 | S 412 | |
97 | Donald A.Neqmen | Electroication Circuit Analysis and Design | 1 | New York | Mc graw Hill | 2001 | 1332 | 621.381 | N 338 | |
98 | F.Mandl | Statistical | 1 | New York | Jon wiley | 1998 | 358 | 530.13 | M 271 | |
99 | R.C.Hibbeler | Mechanics of Materials | 1` | Tokyo | Pearson | 2003 | 844 | 531 | H 624 | |
100 | Ned Mohan | Power Electronics | 2 | New York | Jon wiley | 1995 | 802 | 621.381 | M 697 | |
101 | Mario Belloni | Physlet Quantum Physics….. | 1 | Usa | Pearson | 2006 | 201 | 530.12 | B 447 | |
102 | A.K Gautam | Antenna And Wave | 1 | New Delhi | S.K.Kataria | 2005 | 477 | 537.534 | G 275 | |
103 | V.R.Gowariker | Polymer Science | 1 | New Delhi | One World | 2006 | 505 | 530.14 | G 722 | |
104 | Francis W.Sear | Thermodynamics Kinetic Theory | 1 | Amsterdam | Addison | 1976 | 453 | 536.7 | S 285 | |
105 | S.L.Kakani | Materlal Science | 1 | New Delhi | L.T.D | 2005 | 640 | 530.47 | K 11 | |
106 | William D.Hendrseon | Problemsin Physics | 1 | New York | Mc Graw Hall | 1916 | 205 | 530 | H496 | |
107 | Rudolf L.Van | Optical Document | 1 | London | Data | 1998 | 505 | 535 | V 217 | |
108 | D.K.Bowen | Microscopy Op Materials | 1 | Britain | Mac Millan | 1975 | 304 | 530.14 | B 786 | |
109 | James J.Brophy | Basic Electronics For Scientiste | 1 | Tokyo | Mc Graw Hall | 1977 | 430 | 621.381 | B 863 | |
110 | Robert R.Stoll | Sets,Logic,and Axiomatic Theories | 1 | Usa | Data | 1961 | 206 | 621.381 | S 863 | |
111 | Frank L.Pedro | Introduction to Optics | 1 | London | Data | 1993 | 602 | 535 | P 372 | |
112 | Frederick J.Bueche | College Physics | 2 | New York | Mc Graw-Hall | 1979 | 341 | 530 | B 919 | |
113 | Eric H.Glendinning | Electronics | 1 | Oxford | Jon Mcewan | 1990 | 208 | 537 | G 558 | |
114 | | Electronic Circuits | 1 | | Mc Graw | | 695 | 537 | | |
115 | Alvin Halpern | Physics | 1 | New Delhi | Mc Graw | 1988 | 751 | 530 | H 157 | |
116 | Hugh H enderson | Sat Subject test ;Physics | 1 | New York | Simon and Schuster | 2006 | 383 | 530 | H 496 | |
117 | Michael M.Abbott | Thermodynamics | 2 | New York | Mc Graw-Hall | 1972 | 344 | 536.7 | A 131 | |
118 | | Thermodynamics | 1 | | | | 813 | 536 | | |
119 | G.Beghi | Energy Storage and Transporttation | 1 | Usa | Reidel | 1981 | 497 | 536 | B 416 | |
120 | Akrill | Physics | 1 | Britain | Edward Arnold | 1979 | 404 | 530 | A 313 | |
121 | Edward Gettgs | Physics Classical and Modern | 1 | New York | Data | 1989 | 1092 | 539 | G 394 | |
122 | Franics Weston Sears | Mechanics Wave Motion and Heat | 1 | London | Addison | 1958 | 664 | 530 | S 287 | |
123 | John.P.Uyemura | Phsical Design of Cmos Integrted…. | 1 | Boston | Pws | 1995 | 563 | 621 | 97 | |
124 | B.G.Osborne | Practical Nirspectroscopy With…… | 1 | Usa | Long mans | 1993 | 227 | 535.01 | O 81 | |
125 | Virgil Moring | Thermodynamics | 1 | New York | Data | 1970 | 542 | 536.7 | V 816 | |
126 | Kenneth Wark | Thermodynamics | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 1999 | 1164 | 536.7 | W 253 | |
127 | Bill W.Tirrery | Physical Scienice | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 1999 | 702 | 530 | T 575 | |
128 | Herbert Goldstien | Classical Mechanics | 1 | London | Addison | 1980 | 672 | | | |
129 | Premamoy Ghosh | Polemer Scines and Techology | 1 | New Delhi | Mc Graw-Hall | 2002 | 550 | 530.41 | G 411 | |
130 | A.J.K.Neseyif | Revison Notes in Physics | 1 | London | L.T.D | 1955 | 104 | 530 | N 457 | |
131 | Mendiratta | Electricity and Magnetism | 1 | New Delhi | Affiliated | 1976 | 328 | 538 | M 537 | |
132 | Arthur Beiser | Modren Physics | 1 | New Delhi | Mc Graw-Hall | 2003 | 542 | 539 | B 423 | |
133 | Christian | The Theory of Transformations | 1 | Oxford | L.T.D | 1975 | 586 | 531 | C 555 | |
134 | Wilm Shurst | Electron Spin Resonace Spectrometers | 1 | London | Addison | 1967 | 280 | 535 | W 664 | |
135 | Richard Eiberg | The Physics of Sound | 1 | London | Pearson | 2005 | 398 | 534 | B 493 | |
136 | Arthur Beiser | Modren Technical Physics | 1 | New York | Data | 1983 | 482 | 539 | B 423 | |
137 | KonRad B.KrausKope | Physical Universe | 4 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2006 | 706 | 530 | K 89 | |
138 | Laud | Electromagnetics | 1 | New Delhi | One World | 1987 | 335 | 537 | L 367 | |
139 | Barbara Ruden | Introduction to Comology | 1 | San Francisco | Addison | 2003 | 244 | 523.1 | R 992 | |
140 | N.H.Hartsshorne | Practical Optical… | 1 | New York | Data | 1960 | 335 | 537 | | |
141 | | Electricity | 1 | New York | Data | 1960 | 335 | 537 | | |
142 | Deborah A.Wuest | Physical Education Exercise Science and Sport | 25 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2006 | 583 | 530 | W 959 | |
143 | Bruce Bartlett | Practical Recording Tecniques | 1 | Amsterdam | Focal Press | 2005 | 600 | 530 | B 283 | |
144 | Tottle | Institution of Metallurgists | 1 | Usa | L.T.D | 1980 | 311 | 530.4 | T 722 | |
145 | Frank Herbert | Introduction to Radiological Physcis and Radiation | 1 | New York | A Wiley | 1986 | 607 | 535.12 | A 885 | |
146 | J.H.Avery | Objective Tests In Advanced Level Physics | 1 | London | Heinemann Educational Book | | 73 | 530 | A 948 | |
147 | DAVid Hallday | Physics | 1 | New York | John Willy | 1978 | 1131 | 539 | H 188 | |
148 | G.Aruldhas | Modern Physisc | 1 | New Delhi | Prentice Hall | 2005 | 440 | 539 | A 793 | |
149 | W. Thomas Griffith | The Physics | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2007 | 506 | 503 | W 454 | اهداء |
150 | Charles K.Alexander | Fundamentals of Electric Circuits | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2007 | 901 | 537 | A 381 | اهداء |
151 | Stanley I. Sandler | Chemical , Biochemical, and Engineering Thermodynaics +قرص | 1 | New York | John Willy | 2006 | 945 | 536.7 | S 194 | |
152 | Uma Mukherji | Electromagnetic Field Theory and Waves Propagtion | 1 | Oxford | Alpha Sciene | 2006 | 362 | 620.112 | M 942 | |
153 | R.H.Fowler , P.Kapttza | The International Series of Monographs on Physics | 1 | Oxford | At The Clarendon Press | | 223 | 530 | C 846 | |
154 | Murray R. Spiegel, Ph.D. | Theoretical Mechanics | 1 | New York | Mc Graw-Hall | 1980 | 368 | 531 | S 755 | |
155 | Masatoshi Murase | The Dynamics of Cellular Motility | 1 | New York | John Willy | 1992 | 357 | 563.7 | M 972 | |
156 | David .Griffiths | Introduction to Electrodynaics | 1 | Usa | Prentice Hall | 1999 | 576 | 537.6 | G 855 | |
157 | John R. Reitz | Foundation of Electromagnetic Theory | 1 | New York | Addison - Wesley | 1993 | 630 | 530.141 | R 379 | |
158 | Claus Borgnakke | Fundamentals of Thermodynamics | 2 | Asia | John Willy | 2009 | 777 | 536.7 | B 732 | |
159 | Ferdinand .Peer | Mechanics of Materias | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2006 | 787 | 531 | F 347 | |
160 | Phil Attard | Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics | 1 | Amsterdam | Acaemic Press | 2002 | 423 | 536,7 | A 883 | |
161 | R.K. Shukla | Practical Physics | 1 | New Delhi | New Age | 2006 | 314 | 530 | S 562 | |
162 | Dale A. Ostlie | An Introduction to Modern Stellar Astrophysics | 1 | Amsterdam | Addison - Wesley | 1996 | 752 | 523.8 | A 85 | |
163 | John W. Norbury | Quantum Mechanics | 1 | | | | 295 | 530 | N 822 | |
164 | Yunus A.Cengel | Thermodynamics + قرص | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2006 | 988 | 536.7 | C 395 | |
165 | E. Armitage | Sixth Form Practical Physics | 1 | Britain | John Murray | 1964 | 256 | 530 | J 65 | |
166 | Mark A. Linne | Spectroscopic Measurement | 1 | Amsterdam | Acaemic Press | 2002 | 414 | 530.7 | L 758 | |
167 | Gordon J.Aubrecht | Energy | 3 | Usa | Pearson Prentice Hall | 2006 | 674 | 333.79 | A 895 | |
168 | John D.Anderson,Jr | Introduction to Flight | 5 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2005 | 814 | 629.1 | J 65 | |
169 | Thomas T. Arny | Exploration an Introduction to Astronomy + قرص | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2006 | 578 | 520 | T 454 | اهداء |
170 | Tomasz Kapitaniak | Controlling Chaos | 1 | London | Acaemic Press | 1996 | 164 | 564 | K 17 | |
171 | John D.Fix | Astronomy | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2006 | 658 | 520 | J 65 | |
172 | Alan Giambattista | College Physics | 7 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2007 | 1104 | 530 | G 432 | اهداء |
173 | Bill W.Tirrery | Physical Scienice | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2007 | 729 | 530 | T 575 | اهداء |
174 | Charles Kittel | Introduction to Solid State Physics | 1 | Usa | John Willy | 2005 | 674 | 530.41 | C 475 | |
175 | S. O. Pillai | Solid State Physics | 1 | New Delhi | New Age | 2005 | 819 | 530.41 | P 641 | |
176 | Alan Giambattista | Physics | 6 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2008 | 559 | 530 | G 432 | اهداء |
177 | Nicholas Asfourikis | Advanced Array Systems , Application and RF Technologiecs | 1 | San Francisco | Acaemic Press | 2000 | 362 | 530 | F 773 | |
178 | Richard S. Shevell | Fundamentals of Flight | 1 | India | Pearson | 1989 | 438 | 629.1 | S 539 | |
179 | Richard P.Feynman | Tips on Physics | 2 | San Francisco | Pearson Addison Wesley | 2006 | 162 | 530 | F 435 | |
180 | B.H.Bransden | Physics of Atoms and Molecules | 1 | London | Prentice Hall | 2003 | 1114 | 539 | B 817 | |
181 | Stephen E. Schneider | Pathways to Astronomy + قرص | 1 | Boston | Mc grow - Hall | 2007 | 699 | 520 | T 454 | اهداء |
182 | William J. Kaufmann | Universe Stars and Galaxies | 1 | New York | freeman and company | 2001 | 686 | 520 | F 851 | |
183 | V.J.Colangelo | Analysis of Metallurgical Failures | 1 | New York | John Willy | 1987 | 360 | 620 | C 683 | |
184 | Harry C. Box | Set Lighting Technician ,s Handbook | 1 | Usa | Focal Press | 2003 | 558 | 530 | B 662 | |
185 | Robert A. Hubbard | Gas Conditioning | 1 | | John M. Campbell | 2001 | 480 | 665.73 | J 65 | |
186 | Robert L. Sanks | Pumping Station Design | 1 | Usa | Butterworth Heinemann | 1998 | 981 | 620 | S 194 | |
187 | Er.Deepak | Dictionary of Physics | 1 | | | | 423 | 803 | D 311 | 262 |
188 | V.V Sarwate | Electromagnetic Field and Waves | 1 | India | New Age | 2006 | 457 | 535.14 | S 243 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
علـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــوم الحيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــاة | | | | | | | | | | |
1 | Lansing M.Prcott | Microbiology | 9 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2005 | 992 | 576 | P 929 | |
2 | George C.Kent | Comparative Anatomy | 9 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2001 | 524 | 574.4 | K 37 | |
3 | Manuel C.Molles Jr. | Ecology | 4 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2005 | 622 | 574.5 | M 726 | |
4 | Katsuhiko Ogata | Laboratory Studies in Animal Diveresity | 5 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2003 | 278 | 591 | K 11 | |
5 | Kathryn A.Haddix | Dosage Calcultions Medical Careers | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2002 | 380 | 615.1 | H 126 | |
6 | Alfred E.Brown | Microbioloical Applications | 8 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2007 | 450 | 576 | B 877 | |
7 | Kenneth V.Kardong | Vertebrates | 11 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2006 | 782 | 596 | K 11 | |
8 | William Ober | Marin Biology | 6 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2007 | 460 | 591.92 | O 13 | |
9 | Willam Osler | Exploing Medical Language | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2005 | 748 | 610 | O 81 | |
10 | Stanley Gunstream | Anatomy Physiology $ | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2007 | 342 | 591.4 | G 975 | تثمين |
11 | Ivan Roitt | Immunology | 3 | New York | Mc Graw-Hill | 1983 | 479 | 574.29 | R 741 | |
12 | Ricki Lewis | Life | 11 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2007 | 1012 | 570 | L 673 | |
13 | Peter H. Raven | Biology | 8 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2005 | 1250 | 574 | R 253 | |
14 | Bill W.Tirrery | Integrated Science | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2007 | 748 | 570 | T 575 | |
15 | Peter Castro | Marin Biology | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2005 | 452 | 591.92 | C 355 | |
16 | Amine Kidane | General Micirobiology | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2006 | 210 | 576 | K 46 | |
17 | Ricki Lewis | Human Genetics | 4 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2007 | 448 | 575.1 | L 673 | |
18 | | Principles of Development | 6 | London | L.T.D | 1998 | 482 | 575.1 | W 848 | |
19 | Robert | Biology Afunctional Approach | 1 | New York | L.T.D | 1982 | 655 | 570 | R 639 | |
20 | Abdelouahhab Zaid | Date Palm Cultivation | 1 | New York | L.T.D | 199 | 287 | 584.5 | Z 21 | |
21 | Gerald Karp | Cell Biology | 1 | New York | Mc Graw-Hill | 1984 | 888 | 574.87 | K 18 | |
22 | Willam C.Ober | Human Physiology | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2004 | 878 | 599.9 | O 13 | |
23 | Michael R.Rose | Evolution and Ecology of The Organic…… | 1 | New York | Prentice Hall | 2006 | 693 | 574.3 | R 791 | |
24 | Leslie P.Gartner | Color Atlas of Histology | 2 | London | Mc Graw-Hill | 2000 | 439 | 574.17 | G 244 | |
25 | Toronto | Digenetic Trematodes fishes of….. | 1 | London | Mc Graw-Hill | د.ت | 207 | 595 | T 676 | |
26 | Charles Sheppard | Marine Ecology of the Arbian Region | 1 | London | Academic Press | 1992 | 359 | 574.5 | S 549 | |
27 | Geo F.Brooks | Medical Microbiology | 6 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2004 | 818 | 576 | B 873 | |
28 | A.J.Richards | The Pollination of Flowers by Insects | 1 | London | Academic Press | 1978 | 211 | 581 | R 511 | |
29 | Robert F.Weaver | Molecular Biology | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2005 | 894 | 574 | W 863 | |
30 | Jeffrey C.Pommerville | Fundamentals of Microbiology | 1 | Boston | Jhon Wiley | 2004 | 999 | 576 | P 787 | |
31 | Ricki Lewis | Human Genetics | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2005 | 439 | 575.1 | L 673 | |
32 | R.L.Bijani | Understanding Medical Physiology | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2002 | 338 | 574.1 | R 989 | |
33 | Harris L.Cohen | Uitrasonography of the Prenatai | 1 | New York | Mc Graw-Hill | 1996 | 550 | 570 | C 652 | |
34 | Kottak | Anthropology | 10 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2006 | 579 | 599.9 | K 75 | |
35 | Willam P.Cunningham | Enviropology | 19 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2007 | 620 | 574.5 | C 973 | |
36 | Douglas J.eder | Laboratory Atlas of Anatomy and Physiology | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2004 | 181 | 574 | E 21 | |
37 | K enneth W. Wright | Ophthalmology | 1 | London | Mc Graw-Hill | 1997 | 932 | 617.7 | W 947 | |
38 | Lee Drickamer | Animal Behavior | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2002 | 422 | 591 | D 779 | |
39 | Arthur Getis | Human Geography | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2007 | 553 | 572.9 | G 292 | |
40 | Robert S.Feldman | Essentials of Understanding Phychology | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2005 | 562 | 574.12 | F 312 | |
41 | Edward O.Wilson | Sociobiology of Century Ends | 3 | England | Mc Graw-Hill | 2000 | 697 | 591 | W 747 | |
42 | Keenneth J.Ryan | Medical Microbiology | 1 | San Francisco | Mc Graw_Hill | 1994 | 979 | 576 | R 989 | |
43 | K.J.Know Chung | Medical Micology | 2 | London | Mc Graw_Hill | 1992 | 866 | 598 | K98 | |
44 | Julian B.Woelfel | Dental Anutomy | 2 | London | Willamw | 1997 | 449 | 617.6 | W 842 | |
45 | Grant W.Sharpe | Forests and Renewable Resonrces | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 1986 | 544 | 581 | S 532 | |
46 | Kenneth S.Saladin | Anatomy Physiology | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2004 | 1120 | 611 | S 161 | |
47 | Blasé A.Sverdrup | Cardiology Pearls | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2001 | 294 | 611.12 | C 263 | |
48 | Keith A.Sverdrup | Fundmentals of Oceanography | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2006 | 342 | 551.46 | S 497 | |
49 | Robert L.Nussbaum | Genetics In Medicine | 2 | usa | Mc Graw_Hill | 2004 | 444 | 575.1 | N 962 | |
50 | Jacquelin A. Homan | Anatomay and Physiology | 12 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2004 | 262 | 612 | H 763 | |
51 | Harold J.Benson | Anatomy and Physiology | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2000 | 551 | 612 | B 474 | |
52 | Kathryn A.Haddix | Electroc Ardiography for Health…. | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2001 | 153 | 613 | H 126 | |
53 | Donna F.Gauwitz | Administering Medication | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2005 | 438 | 615.1 | G 264 | |
54 | K.V.Sastry | Endocinology and Reproductive Biology | 1 | India | Rastogi | 2005 | 319 | 616 | S 252 | |
55 | Pierce College | Human Physiology | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2002 | 728 | 612 | C 697 | |
56 | Stephen A.Miller | Zoology | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2002 | 540 | 591 | M 647 | |
57 | Agustin Fuents | Core Conceptisnc Biological Anthropology | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2007 | 388 | 572 | F 954 | |
58 | George J.Hddemenos | Physics for Pre-med Biology and Allied… | 1 | New York | Mc Graw_Hill | 1998 | 330 | 612.01 | H 128 | |
59 | Clevel and P.Hickman | Animal Diversity | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2007 | 460 | 591 | H 627 | |
60 | Richard W.Hill | Animal Physiology | 1 | usa | Sinaner | 2004 | 770 | 591.1 | H 654 | |
61 | John Kleyn | Microbiology Experment | 5 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2007 | 338 | 576 | K 63 | |
62 | Robert L.Nussbaum | Genetics In Medicine | 1 | usa | Saunders | 2004 | 444 | 575.1 | N 962 | |
63 | Ricki Lewis | Human Genetics | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2005 | 135 | 575.1 | L 673 | |
64 | Katherine Esau | Plant Auantomy | 1 | London | Jhon Wiley | 1965 | 767 | 581.4 | E 74 | |
65 | Robson | Introduction to the Principles of Plant …. | 2 | New York | L.T.D | 1991 | 292 | 581 | R 667 | |
66 | Eugene P.Odum | Fundamentals of Ecology | 1 | Australia | Thomson | 2005 | 598 | 574.5 | O 22 | |
67 | Thomas L. Rost | Plant Biology | 1 | Australia | Thomson | 2006 | 603 | 581 | R 788 | |
68 | George A.Bartholomew | Zoology | 1 | London | Mc Graw_Hill | 1976 | 511 | 591 | B 287 | |
69 | Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk | The Phyto Chemistry of the Macro… | 1 | Qatar | University Qatar | 1999 | 745 | 589 | R 627 | |
70 | T.R.New | Inverrebrate Surveus for Conservation | 1 | Oxford | United Sattes | 1998 | 240 | 592 | N 532 | |
71 | Yoav Waisel | Plan Roots | 1 | New York | L.T.D | 1999 | 1002 | 581 | W 143 | |
72 | J-D Viemont | Dormancy in Plants | 1 | usa | Academic Press | 2000 | 385 | 581 | V 656 | |
73 | Mason E.Hale | The Biology of Lichens | 1 | London | Edward Arnold | 1983 | 190 | 570 | H 161 | |
74 | Panda | Hand Book of Biochemistry | 1 | New Delhi | Virender Kumar | 2005 | 154 | 574.192 | P 189 | |
75 | George N.Agrios | Plant Pathology | 1 | Boston | Academic Press | 2005 | 922 | 581.2 | A 277 | |
76 | Cedric Mims | Medical Microbiology | 2 | London | Eisevier Mosby | 2004 | 660 | 576.1 | M 618 | |
77 | Sylvia S.Mader | Student Study Guide Biology | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 1998 | 461 | 570 | M 181 | |
78 | Sylvia S.Mader | Essentials of Biology | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2007 | 645 | 570 | M181 | |
79 | Sylvia S.Mader | Human Biology | 4 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2008 | 536 | 612 | M 181 | |
80 | Neil A.Campbll | Biology | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2005 | 1231 | 574 | C 187 | |
81 | Christopher D.Moyes | Animal Physiology | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2006 | 733 | 591.1 | M 938 | |
82 | Janeway | Immuno Biology | 1 | London | Churchill Livingstone | 2005 | 1000 | 570 | J 33 | |
83 | Willam J.Larsen | Human Embryology | 1 | New York | Churchill Livingstone | 2001 | 548 | 591.3 | L 318 | |
84 | Mehta | Practical Medicine | 1 | New York | Data | 1998 | 522 | 619 | M 479 | |
85 | Alexander Sandra | Core Conceptsine Embryology | 1 | New York | L.T.D | 1997 | 162 | 612.64 | S 213 | |
86 | Edward J.Plaster | Siol Science Management | 1 | Boston | Delmar | 1997 | 402 | 613.4 | P 715 | |
87 | J.L Hall | Electron Microscopy Of Plant Cell | 1 | Boston | Academic Press | 1991 | 466 | 580 | H 174 | |
88 | Bowen | Introduction Botany | 1 | London | L.T.D | 1965 | 216 | 581 | B | |
89 | Lillian hoagland Merey | Food Chemistry | 1 | New Delhi | C B S | 2004 | 358 | 641 | M 613 | |
90 | Henery Woods | Palaeontology Invertebrate | 1 | New Delhi | C B S | 2004 | 477 | 592 | W 894 | |
91 | Peter R.Bell | The Diverstiy of Green Palants | 1 | New York | Edward Arnold | 1983 | 360 | 581 | B 433 | |
92 | Kevin F.Patton | Structure and Function of the Body | 2 | usa | Mc Graw_Hill | 2004 | 547 | 612 | P 322 | |
93 | John M.Deman | Principles of Food Chemistry | 1 | Boston | Kluwer | 1999 | 520 | 664 | D 371 | |
94 | Razdam | Conservation of Plant Genetic…. | 1 | New York | I.N.C | 2000 | 315 | 581 | R 278 | |
95 | Robertis | Cell Biology | 1 | London | Sannders Company | 1966 | 446 | 574.87 | R 639 | |
96 | Gupta | Genetics | 1 | India | Rastogi | 2006 | 611 | 575.1 | G 896 | |
97 | Willam T.Taylor | General Biology | 1 | New Delhi | L.T.D | 1968 | 977 | 570 | T 238 | |
98 | Daniel L.Hart | Aprimer of Population Genetics | 1 | usa | Sinaner | 2000 | 221 | 575.1 | D 184 | |
99 | Jayanta Sinha | Genetics | 1 | New York | Academic Press | 2006 | 496 | 574.87 | M 933 | |
100 | Tohamy A.Mousa | Cell Biology | 1 | New York | Dar_Almaaref | 1997 | 316 | 576 | K 95 | |
101 | Lee Yuan Kun | Microbial Biotechnology | 1 | London | World Scientific | 2003 | 724 | 574.1 | R 643 | |
102 | Robert Shaw | Enviornmental | 1 | London | L.T.D | 1974 | 326 | 612 | G 795 | |
103 | Green | Basic Clinical Physiology | 1 | New York | Oxford | 1978 | 176 | 574.824 | E 60 | |
104 | Victor P.Froschenko | Atlas of Histology | 1 | Hon Kong | Lippincott | 2005 | 448 | 574 | T 238 | |
105 | Taylor | Biological Science | 1 | London | Cam Bridge | 2002 | 984 | 575.1 | L 672 | |
106 | Benjamin Lewin | Essential Genes | 1 | usa | Pearson | 2006 | 594 | 576 | R 643 | |
107 | Larry S.Roberts | Foundations of Parasitology | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2005 | 702 | 581.19 | C 426 | |
108 | Chawla | Introduction to Plant Biotechnilogy | 1 | India | I.N.C | 200 | 368 | 612 | E 63 | |
109 | Marjorie Kelly Cowan | Microbiology A Systems Approach | 1 | Boston | Mc Grow - Hill | 2006 | 806 | 576 | C 874 | اهداء من منظمة الحياة للاغاثة والتنمية |
110 | Craigmyle | A Colour Atlas of Histology | 1 | usa | Mc Graw_Hill | 1986 | 176 | 574.824 | C 886 | |
111 | Peter J.Russel | Essential Genetics | 1 | Boston | Benjamin Cummings | 2003 | 614 | 575.1 | R 961 | |
112 | H.E.Street | The Physiology of Flowering Plants | 1 | New York | Edward Arnold | 1984 | 279 | 582.13 | S 915 | |
113 | Harvey Pough | Vertebrate Life | 1 | usa | Pearson | 2005 | 684 | 596 | P 872 | |
114 | Nicholas | Introduction to Veteronary Genetics | 1 | London | Blackwell | 2003 | 282 | 575.1 | N 597 | |
115 | Thomas J. Kindt | Kupy Immunology $ | 1 | New York | Freeman | 2007 | 553 | 570 | K 51 | تثمين |
116 | Crawley | Plant Ecology | 1 | usa | Blackwell | 1987 | 717 | 581.5 | C 911 | |
117 | Arthur J.Eames | Plant Anatomy | 1 | New Delhi | Mc Graw_Hill | 1987 | 427 | 581.4 | E 12 | |
118 | Harden Jones | Fish Migration | 1 | London | Edward Arnold | 1970 | 325 | 597.09 | J 81 | |
119 | Leslie P. Gartner | Color Atlas of Histology | 1 | London | Willam | 1994 | 444 | 611 | G 244 | |
120 | William S.Klug | Concepts of Genetics | 1 | Boston | Pearson | 2006 | 677 | 575.1 | K 63 | |
121 | Benjamin | Genes | 1 | Boston | Pearson | 2004 | 1027 | 575.1 | L 672 | |
122 | Sylvia S.Mader | Biology | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 1998 | 461 | 574 | M 181 | |
123 | Frank B.Salibury | Plant Physiology | 1 | London | Wadsworth | 1985 | 540 | 581.1 | S 111 | |
124 | David T.Krohne | General Ecology | 1 | London | Blackwell | 1998 | 722 | 574.5 | K 93 | |
125 | Wickham | Intra-renal Sugery | 1 | London | Mc Graw_Hill | 1984 | 323 | 617.46 | W 637 | |
126 | J.F.Wickins | Crustacean Farming | 1 | London | Blackwell | 1992 | 392 | 595.3 | W 636 | |
127 | Larry Branen | Food Additives | 1 | New York | Blackwell | 2002 | 938 | 641.1 | B 816 | |
128 | Richard T.Wright | Environmental Science | 1 | usa | Pearson | 2005 | 712 | 574.5 | W 947 | |
129 | Prter J.Russell | Genetice | 1 | New York | Pearson | 2006 | 842 | 575.1 | R 961 | |
130 | Emest Jawetz | Medical Microbiology Immunology | 2 | London | Mc Graw_Hill | 2004 | 644 | 576 | R 454 | |
131 | Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk | The Phytochemstry of The Horticultural Plants of Qatar | 1 | usa | Qatar | 1989 | 285 | 581 | R 627 | |
132 | henry.nakasone | Tropical fruits | 1 | London | Data | 1999 | 445 | 634 | N111 | |
133 | Teresa Audesirk | Biology | 1 | Boston | Prentice Hall | 1999 | 891 | 574 | A 899 | |
134 | Eugene P.Odum | Fundamentals of Ecology | 1 | London | Mc Graw_Hill | 1971 | 574 | 574.5 | O 22 | |
135 | G.A.El-Ghazaly | Pollen Flora of Qatar | 2 | London | Qatar | 2000 | 429 | 581 | G 411 | |
136 | Jhon A.Bissonette | Wildlife and Landscape Ecology | 1 | New York | Springer | 1997 | 410 | 575.5 | B 623 | |
137 | Jayaram Paniker | Medical Parsitology | 1 | New Delhi | Jaypee Brothers | 2002 | 220 | 576.6 | P 187 | |
138 | Gerard J.Tortora | Microbiology | 1 | London | Mc Graw_Hill | 2003 | 924 | 576 | T 712 | |
139 | Roberts | Cell and Molecular Biology | 1 | T | Pearson | 1986 | 673 | 574.87 | R 639 | |
140 | J.Kinglis | Human Biology | 1 | New York | Pergammon Press | 1986 | 422 | 611 | I 52 | |
141 | Ann Hajek | Natural Enemies | 1 | usa | Cam Bridge | 2004 | 378 | 570 | H 154 | |
142 | Susan R.Barnumm | Biotechnology | 1 | Australia | Thomson | 2005 | 323 | 574.192 | B 263 | |
143 | Roberts | GynaEcology and Obstetrics | 1 | London | Butter Worths | 1967 | 209 | 611 | R 639 | |
144 | Milton B.Adesnik | Concise Encyclopedia of Bioscience | 1 | New York | Mc Graw_Hill | 2002 | 972 | 574.192 | A 228 | |
145 | Frederick E.Grine | Regional Human Anatomy | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2005 | 415 | 611 | G 866 | |
146 | Stuart Lra Fox | Human Physiology | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2004 | 430 | 612 | L 274 | |
147 | Warren D.Olphin | Biological Investigations | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2005 | 482 | 570 | D 661 | |
148 | Willam J.Kelly | Drug Handbook | 2 | London | Lippincott | 2005 | 1394 | 615 | K 24 | |
149 | Mark Cladwin | Clinical Microbiology Made Ridiculously | 1 | usa | Med Master | 1995 | 281 | 576 | G 542 | |
150 | Rachard J.Epstein | Human Molecular Biology | 2 | London | Cam Bridge | 2003 | 623 | 591 | E 63 | |
151 | Ghosh | Plant Physiology | 1 | India | Central | 1996 | 710 | 581.1 | G 411 | |
152 | Jean-Louis Riviere | Ecological Risk Evaluation of…. | 1 | usa | Scince | 2000 | 223 | 574.5 | R 625 | |
153 | Benjamn.Teskey | Tree Fruit Production | 1 | New York | I.N.C | 1978 | 409 | 634 | T 335 | |
154 | Mark L.L\atash | Dexterity and its Development | 1 | London | Lawrence | 1996 | 460 | 570 | L 351 | |
155 | Larry S.Robert | Foundations of Parasitology | 1 | Boston | Brown | 1996 | 659 | 576 | R 639 | |
156 | Rajan | Reproductive Endocriuology | 1 | Chennai | Jaypee Brothers | 1997 | 738 | 610 | R 111 | |
157 | Arthur.Fleischer | Sonographyin Opstetrics and Gune…. | 1 | usa | Prentice Hall | 1996 | 1052 | 618 | F 596 | |
158 | Marcus M. Jensen | Introduction to Microbiology for the Health Sciences | 1 | usa | Prentice Hall | 1993 | 699 | 576 | J 51 | |
159 | Williams | Basic Nutrition and Diet Therapy | 1 | Boston | Mosby | 1983 | 159 | 612.3 | W 721 | |
160 | Enger | Conceptsin Biology | 1 | usa | Brown | 1988 | 580 | 570 | E 57 | |
161 | J.Crocker | Currans Atlas of Histopathology - | 1 | Oxford | Data | 2000 | 288 | 574.17 | C 938 | |
162 | Peter Simth | Furunculosis Multidisciplinary | 1 | Tokyo | Academic Press | 1997 | 529 | 597.9 | S 643 | |
163 | Margarets.Chaney | Nutrition | 1 | usa | Houghton | 1971 | 486 | 612.3 | C 454 | |
164 | Ellen Jobaron | Diagnostic Microbiology | 1 | London | Mosby | 1990 | 861 | 576 | B 265 | |
165 | Warren F.Walker | Functional Anatomy of The Vertebrates | 1 | London | Sannders Company | 1994 | 788 | 611 | W 174 | |
166 | Peter Martin | The Living Plant | 1 | London | Ltolt | 1972 | 206 | 581 | R 269 | |
167 | J.A.Callow | Biotechnology and Plant Genetic Resuorces | 1 | New York | Data | 1997 | 308 | 575.1 | C 156 | |
168 | David Wildish | Benthic Suspension Feeders and Flow | 1 | Boston | Cam Bridge | 1997 | 409 | 589 | W 668 | |
169 | Michael A.Sleigh | Protozoa and Other Protists | 1 | London | Edward Arnold | 1989 | 342 | 570 | S 632 | |
170 | Keith Wilson | Practical Biochemistry | 1 | London | Mc Graw_Hill | 1995 | 586 | 574.192 | W 747 | |
171 | Deedak Arora | Dictionary of Science | 1 | usa | Regd | 2006 | 671 | 570 | D 34 | |
172 | Richard S.Snell | Clinical Anatomy For Medical Students | 1 | Hon Kong | Lippincott | 2000 | 898 | 611 | S 671 | |
173 | Ignocimuthu | Basic Biotechnology | 1 | London | Mc Graw_Hill | 1995 | 317 | 570 | I 24 | |
174 | Driver | Proteun Behaviour | 1 | Oxford | Clarendon | 1988 | 339 | 591 | D 782 | |
175 | Bidwell | Plant Physiology | 1 | London | Mc Graw_Hill | 1974 | 726 | 581.1 | B 584 | |
176 | Gupta | Prcatical Medicine | 1 | New Delhi | Regd | 2003 | 516 | 610 | G 896 | |
177 | Kenneth Roberts | Manual of Cilinical Problems. | 1 | Boston | Willam | 2001 | 540 | 615.54 | R639 | |
178 | Mario Ruivo | Marine Pollution and Sea Live | 1 | London | L.T.D | 1972 | 623 | 575.5 | R 934 | |
179 | Navon | Bioassays of Entomo Pathogenic | 1 | usa | Cabi | 2000 | 324 | 614.4 | N 327 | |
180 | Henry Rothschild | Virology Medicine | 1 | Oxford | Data | 1986 | 329 | 576.64 | R 874 | |
181 | Kenneth.V Kardong | An Introduction to Biological Evolution | 12 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2005 | 322 | 574 | K 18 | |
182 | Michael L.Cain | Discover Biology | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2007 | 483 | 574 | C 135 | |
183 | Sylvia S.Mader | Essentials of Biology | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2007 | 317 | 574 | M 111 | |
184 | George B.Johnson | The Living World | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2008 | 812 | 574 | J 66 | |
185 | Eugene W.Nester | Microbiology | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2007 | 811 | 576 | N 468 | |
186 | Robert B.Broyles | Anatomy and Physiology | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2008 | 377 | 611 | B 863 | |
187 | Richard C.Newell | Biology of Intertidal Animals | 1 | New York | L.T.D | 1979 | 781 | 591 | N 536 | |
188 | Frances | Laboratory and Diagnostictests | 1 | Hon Kong | Lippincott | 2004 | 1291 | 574 | F 815 | |
189 | Rod R.Seeley | Anatomy and Physiology | 2 | Boston | Higer eduction | 2006 | 513 | 611 | S452 | |
190 | Jan A.Pechenik | Biology of the Invertebrates | 1 | Boston | Higer eduction | 2005 | 590 | 595 | P 364 | |
191 | Charles A.Owen | Copper Deficieney | 1 | usa | Noyes | 1981 | 189 | 574.21 | O 97 | |
192 | Colleen Smith | Basic Medical Biochemistry + قرص | 1 | New York | Freeman | 1987 | 1034 | 574.192 | S 928 | |
193 | Robert K.Murray | Harpers Liiustrated Biochemistry | 1 | London | Mc Graw_Hill | 2003 | 693 | 574.192 | M 981 | |
194 | Kevin J.Gaston | Biodversity an Introduction | 1 | usa | Balckwell | 2000 | 113 | 597 | G 256 | |
195 | Robert R.Sokal | Biometry | 1 | SanFrancisco | Freeman | 1969 | 776 | 570 | S 676 | |
196 | Barbara Aehlaet | Emergency + قرص | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2007 | 604 | 616.02 | A 246 | |
197 | Jeffrey.J.Haugaard | Child Psychopathology | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2008 | 693 | 616.736 | H 371 | |
198 | Teery R.Martin | Human Anatomy Physiology | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2004 | 495 | 612 | M 379 | |
199 | John D.Hawkins | Gene Structure and Expression | 1 | London | Cam Bridge | 1996 | 212 | 574.87 | H 393 | |
200 | Shangri-La | Reiki With Gemstones | 1 | usa | Mc Graw-Hill | 1997 | 112 | 559.9 | S 524 | |
201 | Edward O.Wilson | Sociobiology | 1 | usa | Mc Graw-Hill | 1975 | 697 | 570 | W747 | |
202 | Rod R.Seeley | Anatomy & Physiology | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2005 | 610 | 612 | S 289 | |
203 | BarBara B.Hodgson | Nursing Drug Handbook | 1 | Boston | Elsevier Sclentific | 1996 | 1276 | 615 | H 691 | |
204 | Shelley E.Taylor | Health Dsychology | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2003 | 656 | 613 | T 238 | |
205 | Mark.Rosenzweg | Biological Psychology + قرص | 1 | Boston | Sinaner | 2005 | 622 | 570 | R 813 | |
206 | John D.Baxter | Genetics in Endocrinology | 1 | Hon Kong | Lippincott | 2002 | 763 | 575.1 | B 355 | |
207 | Rabert Arking | Biology of Aning | 1 | usa | Sinaner | 1998 | 570 | 618.97 | A 721 | |
208 | George B.Johnson | The Living World | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2006 | 808 | 570 | J 66 | |
209 | Philip shepherd | Monoclonal Antibodies | 1 | Oxford | Oxford | 2000 | 479 | 615.36 | S 548 | |
210 | Michael S.Gazzaniga | Phschological Science | 1 | London | Noyes | 2003 | | 610.736 | G 289 | |
211 | David Shier | Holes Essentilals of Humman Anatomy and Physiology | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2006 | 590 | 611 | S 555 | |
212 | Philipn Benfey | Essentials of Genomics | 1 | Boston | Pearson | 2005 | 346 | 575.1 | B 456 | |
213 | | Life Sciences | 1 | usa | CRC Press | 2000 | 210 | 570 | | |
214 | Jan A.Pechenik | Biology of Invertebrates | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hill | 2005 | 590 | 595 | P 364 | |
215 | Drake | Pharmaceutical World Book | 1 | Boston | Saunders | 2007 | 786 | 615 | D 761 | |
216 | J . H. Green | Basic Clinical Physiology | 1 | Britain | Oxford | 1978 | 176 | 633 | G795 | |
217 | Mark A.Marinella | Recognizing Clinical Patterus | 1 | usa | Hanley | 2002 | 257 | 570 | M 338 | |
218 | M.B.Ellis | Dematiaceous Hyphomy Cetes | 1 | England | C.A.B | 1977 | 607 | 570 | E 47 | |
219 | Harmening | Clinical Hematology and fundamentals of…. | 1 | London | Davis | 1987 | 509 | 570 | H 287 | |
220 | Maurice E.Sandres | Carbonate Sedimentology | 1 | usa | Balckwell | 1990 | 482 | 570 | T 891 | |
221 | Laura L.Sanders | Anaunal of Field Hydrogeology | 1 | usa | Prentice Hall | 1998 | 381 | 570 | S 215 | |
222 | Elmerich | Biological Nitrogen Fixation for the… | 1 | London | Kluwer | 1998 | 708 | 570 | E 48 | |
223 | Michael Swash | Clinical Methods | 1 | Boston | Sannders Company | 1995 | 489 | 574 | S 971 | |
224 | Marjorie L.Reaka | Biodiversity | 1 | usa | Joseph | 1997 | 551 | 570 | R 281 | |
225 | Karen Birdsall | Sociology | 1 | London | Polity | 2001 | 750 | 570 | B 618 | |
226 | Alan Hastins | Population Biology | 1 | New York | Springer | 1997 | 220 | 599.9 | M 689 | |
227 | Robert Talor | Manual of Small Animal Postoperative Care | 1 | usa | Willam | 1995 | 230 | 591 | R 639 | |
228 | Steve K. Alexander | Microbiology A phtographic | 1 | London | Data | 1981 | 228 | 581.2 | A 985 | |
229 | Ayres | Effects of Disease on the Physiology… | 1 | London | Data | 1981 | 228 | 581.2 | A 985 | |
230 | Lubert Stryer | Biochemistry | 1 | New York | Freeman | 1987 | 1034 | 5740192 | S 928 | |
231 | Andrew G.Engel | Myology | 2 | New York | Mc Graw_Hill | 2004 | 958 | 570 | E 57 | |
232 | R Paul Singh | Introduction of Food Engineering | 1 | Boston | Academic Press | 2001 | 659 | 641 | S 617 | |
233 | Kazuhiko Egashira | The Light Wight Treated Soil Method | 1 | London | Academic Press | 2004 | 120 | 631.4 | E 28 | |
234 | Micheel .D. Johnson | Human Biology | 1 | Boston | Person | 2002 | 530 | 612 | J 67 | |
235 | Shauna C.Anderson | Atlas of Hematology | 1 | Hon Kong | Lippincott | 2003 | 586 | 612.11 | A 524 | |
236 | Kathleen Park | Foundations in Microbiology | 3 | Boston | Mc Grow - Hill | 2008 | 534 | 576 | T 137 | اهداء من منظمة الحياة للاغاثة والتنمية |
237 | Richard j. Elzinga | Fundamentls of Entomology | 1 | usa | Upper Saddle | 1978 | 475 | 614.4 | E 37 | |
238 | J.VERSTEEG | A Colour Atlas of Virology | 1 | | Wolfe Medical | 1985 | 233 | 589.9 | V 473 | |
239 | James P . Ryan | Physiology | 1 | Boston | Mc Grow - Hill | 2005 | 338 | 574.1 | R 989 | |
240 | Eris Wise | Anatomy and Physiology | 1 | Boston | Mc Grow - Hill | 2000 | 528 | 574 | W 812 | |
241 | Jain | General Veterinary Parasitology | 1 | New Delhi | Jaypee Brothers | 2002 | 125 | 574.23 | J 11 | |
242 | Evan Guest | Flora of Iraq | 1 | Iraq | Iraq | 1968 | 588 | 581 | | |
243 | James J. Bieker | Red Cell Development | 1 | New York | Academic Press | 2008 | 274 | 576 | J 27 | |
244 | Janesh Kumar Gupta | Core Clincal Cases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology | 1 | London | Arnold | 2001 | 158 | 618 | J 11 | |
245 | R.H.Gethin | English Stuies Series 6 | 1 | London | Oxford | | 239 | 574 | G494 | |
246 | Stuart Hogg | Essential Microbiology | 1 | Britain | John Wiley | 2005 | 468 | 576 | H 716 | |
247 | R.F.Chapman | The Insects | 1 | | Cambridge University Press | 1998 | 770 | 591.7 | C 426 | |
248 | Fernando E.Vega | Insect - Fungal Associations Ecology and Evolution | 1 | New York | Oxford | 2005 | 333 | 595.7 | f 345 | |
249 | Arthur C. Guyton | Text book of Medical Physiology | 1 | China | ELsevier Saunders | 2006 | 1115 | 574.1 | G 992 | |
250 | Edward E. Ruppert | Invertebrate Zoology | 1 | usa | Saunders | 1994 | 1056 | 591 | R 946 | |
251 | Abul K.Abbas | Cellular and Molecular Immunology | 1 | China | ELsevier Saunders | 2007 | 566 | | A 122 | |
252 | K. Sambamurthy | Pharmaceutical Biotehnology | 1 | New Delhi | New Age | 2006 | 481 | 620.8 | S 187 | |
253 | Scoot Brennan | Essential Environment | 2 | Boston | Pearson | 2005 | 375 | 574.5 | S 425 | |
254 | Larry P. Pedigo | Entomology and Pest Management | 1 | usa | Prentice Hall | 1996 | 679 | 591 | L 333 | |
255 | T.R.New | Inveretebrate Surveys For Conservation | 1 | Britain | Oxford | 1998 | 240 | 627 | N 532 | |
256 | | Basic Laboratory Methods in Medical Parasitology | 2 | | | | | 574 | | |
257 | Hilda Butler | Pouchers Perfumes Cosmetics and Soaps | 1 | Britain | | 2000 | 782 | 576 | H 641 | |
258 | Diane S.Aschenbrenner | Drug Therapy in Nursing + قرص | 1 | New York | Lippincott | 2002 | 1210 | 616 | D 536 | |
259 | | 2006 Mosbys Nursing Drug Reference +قرص | 2 | | | | 1203 | 616 | | |
260 | Abraham Silberschatz | Operating Ststem Concepts | 1 | Tokyo | Addison _ Wesley | 1998 | 888 | 574 | A 158 | |
261 | F.E.G.Cox | Modern Parasitology | 1 | اهداء من احدى التدريسيات | | | | | | |
262 | Larry S.Roberts | Fondations of Parasitology | 2 | اهداء من احدى التدريسيات | | | | | | |
263 | Leslie H. Chappell | Physiology of Parasites | 1 | اهداء من احدى التدريسيات | | | | | | |
264 | Abul K.Abbas | Cellular and Molecular Immunology | 1 | usa | Sannders Company | 1991 | 494 | | A 122 | اهداء من د. ماجدة غازي |
265 | Luiz Carlos | Basic Histology | 1 | New York | Mc Graw Hill | 2003 | 515 | | C 284 | اهداء من د. ماجدة غازي |
266 | Edeard C.Klatt | Atlas of Pathology | 1 | | Sannders Company | 2010 | 576 | | K 63 | اهداء من د. ماجدة غازي |
267 | R.J.Olds | A Colour Atlas of Microbiology | 1 | | Wolfe Medical | 1975 | 288 | | | اهداء من د. ماجدة غازي |
268 | William J. Banks | Application of Histology | 1 | | | | 380 | 574 | B218 | |
269 | ALfred F. Huettner | Fundamentls of Compartive Embryology … | 1 | usa | | | 309 | | H 888 | اهداء من استاذ احمد سلمان |
270 | Mieiam Kats | Biology for NURSES | 1 | | | 1969 | 367 | 574 | K 11 | اهداء من استاذ احمد سلمان |
271 | DR.P.V.Chadea | Physiology AND BiochemistrY | 1 | India | New Delhi | | 207 | 574 | C 426 | اهداء من استاذ احمد سلمان |
272 | Stanley G. Clayton | Obstetrics | 1 | Britain | | 1978 | 740 | 574 | | اهداء من استاذ احمد سلمان |
273 | Roger Bannister | Brains Clinical … | 1 | London | | 1973 | 439 | 574 | B 212 | اهداء من استاذ احمد سلمان |
| | | | | | | | | | |
الجيـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــولوجيا | | | | | | | | | | |
1 | Charles C. Plumer | Physicacl Geology | 14 | Boston | Mc graw Hill | 2007 | 617 | 530 | P 735 | 28 |
2 | R.L. Stanton | Ore Petrology | 1 | Newyork | Mc graw Hill | 1972 | 713 | 552 | S 784 | |
3 | Graham R. Thompson | Modern Physical Geology | 1 | Saunders college | John vondeling | 1997 | 520 | 530 | T 468 | |
4 | Prtip Kumar Mukerjee | Atextbook of Geology | 1 | India | The World press private | 1997 | 638 | 550 | M 941 | |
5 | B.P.Tissot D.H.Welte | Petroleum Formation and Occurrence | 1 | Germany | Springer - Verlag | 1984 | 699 | 553.28 | W 464 | |
6 | Gunter Faure | Principles of isotope Geology | 1 | USA | johnWiley | 1986 | 589 | 550 | F 265 | |
7 | Edward J. tarbuck | Earth | 2 | USA | Pearson Perntice Hall | 2005 | 711 | 550 | T 179 | |
8 | James H. Zumberge | Physicacl Geolgy | 1 | Boston | Mc graw Hill | 2007 | 289 | 530 | Z 93 | |
9 | Marcio Almeida | Recent Development in Soil and Pavement Mechanics | 1 | Netheriands | A.A.Balema | 1997 | 501 | 620 | M319 | |
10 | Michael Bradshaw | Contemporary World Regional Geogrphy | 1 | Newyork | Mc graw Hill | 2007 | 599 | 910 | M 621 | |
11 | Carl O. Dunbar | Principles of Stratigraphy | 1 | Japan | John wiley | 1957 | 356 | | D 899 | |
12 | James P.Kennett | Marine Gedogy | 1 | New Delhi | Data | 1982 | 813 | 550 | K 34 | |
13 | G.B.Mahapatra | Physical Geology | 1 | New Delhi | S.K.Jain | 2005 | 326 | 550 | M 214 | |
14 | Cornelis Klein | Manual of Mineralogy | 1 | New York | John wiley | 1993 | 681 | 549 | C 814 | 28 |
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كتـــــــــــــــــــــــــــب عــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــامة | | | | | | | | | | |
1 | ROSS L. Finney | Calculus | 6 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2007 | 1261 | 515 | F 514 | |
2 | Milada Broukal | Toefl | 2 | Boston | Heinle | 1995 | 182 | | B 875 | |
3 | Denise F.Polit | Nursing Research | 1 | | J.B. Lippincott | 1995 | 694 | 616 | D391 | |
4 | George F Luger | Artifical intelligence | 1 | usa | Pearson | 2005 | 903 | 001.535 | F 951 | |
5 | John W.Coburn | Precalculus | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2007 | 1275 | 515 | C 658 | |
6 | Joe D . Hoffman | Numerical Methods For Engineers And Scientists | 1 | New York | Mc Graw_Hill | 1997 | 825 | 519.4 | H 711 | |
7 | Howard Rachlin | The Science of Self - Control | 1 | usa | Data | 2000 | 220 | 150 | H 678 | |
8 | Robert M . Abbey | A Practical Approach to Conveyancing | 1 | Britain | Blackstone press | 2001 | 596 | | A 124 | |
9 | J. Lyklema | Fundamentals of Interface And Colloid Science | 5 | Britain | Academic Press | 2000 | | | L 981 | |
10 | Ana Cruz | Fundamentals of Taxation 2007 + قرص0 | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2008 | | | C 955 | |
11 | Brooke Noel moore | Philosophy | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2005 | 581 | 501 | M 821 | |
12 | Laurie Schneider adams | A History of western Art + قرص | 4 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2005 | 573 | | A 211 | |
13 | Janet E. Ashcroft, J.D. | Law for Business | 1 | usa | | 2005 | 585 | 340 | J 33 | |
14 | George K. Anderson | The literatur of England | 1 | usa | Harper Collins Publisbers | | 1263 | 941 | G 342 | |
15 | John D.Ramage | The Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing | 1 | usa | Pearson | 2000 | 743 | 370 | J 65 | |
16 | A.Keith Furr | Laboratory Safety | 1 | usa | CRC Press | 2000 | 774 | 001.4 | A 43 | |
17 | Joachim J. R. Cuntz | Cyclic Cohmolgy and Noncommutative Geametry | 1 | usa | AMS | 1997 | 188 | | C 972 | |
18 | Frank Schmalleger, ph.D. | Corrections In The 21st Centry | 2 | New York | Mc Graw_Hill | 2007 | 726 | 340 | S 347 | |
19 | R. Delhez and E.J. Mittemeijer | Proceedings of The seventh European Powder Diffraction Conference | 1 | Trans Tech Publiciations | The United Kingdom | 2001 | 350 | 540 | D 331 | |
20 | Andrew Spencer | Morphological Mheory | 1 | Britain | Andrew Spencer | 1991 | 512 | 574 | S 744 | |
21 | Ronald B. Adler | Communicating at Work + قرص | 2 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2005 | 462 | 576 | R 762 | |
22 | T . V.R .Pillay | Aquaculture Principles and Practices | 1 | Britain | T . V.R .Pillay | 1990 | 575 | 639.8 | P 637 | |
23 | Jack R. Fraenkel | How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education | 3 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2006 | 620 | 370 | J 12 | |
24 | Tony Lendrum | The Straegic Partnering | 1 | Australia | Mc Graw_Hill | 1998 | 375 | 324.7 | T 663 | |
25 | Michael R. Baye | Manageial Economics and Business Strategy + قرص | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw-Hall | 2003 | 578 | | M 621 | |
26 | Laurie Blass | A Content- Based Writing Book | 1 | New York | Mc Graw_Hill | 1996 | 261 | | B 644 | |
27 | Emily Bronte | Wuthering Heights | 1 | England | | | 279 | | B 869 | |
28 | Stanley Jablonski | Cardiology Acronyms & Abbreviations | 2 | | Hanley& Belfus | 2002 | 125 | | | |
29 | J.Heading | Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering | 1 | Britain | Edward Arnold | 1976 | 692 | 510 | H 432 | |
30 | Leo Finkelstsin.Jr | Pocket book | 1 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2005 | 362 | 621 | F 499 | |
31 | Henry W.Lane | International Mangement Behavior | 1 | | Blackwell | 2000 | 554 | 658 | L 265 | |
32 | Jack R. Meredith | Project Manageement | 1 | New York | John Wiley | 1995 | 766 | | | |
33 | Laurie Schneider adams | Art Across Time | 4 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2007 | 991 | | | |
34 | Donald M.Uhlin | Art for Exceptional Children | 1 | usa | Wcb Brown | 1984 | 292 | 701.8 | D 674 | 61 |
35 | Gary R. Bertoline | Graphics Drawing Workbook | 4 | Boston | Mc Graw_Hill | 2000 | | 740 | G 212 | |
36 | Saad Yahya | Double Standards, Single Purpose | 1 | Britain | TTDG | 2001 | 178 | | | |
37 | Eric H.Glendinning | Electrical and Mechancal Engineering | 1 | | Oxford | 2001 | 190 | 621 | G 558 | |
| | | | | | | | | | |
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الكتـــــــــــــــــــــــــــب الايرانيـــــــــــة | | | | | | | | | | |
1 | Kazem Mirjalili | Chemistry | 7 | ايران | طهران | 2012 | 312 | 540 | M 671 | |
2 | M. Roshani | Nuclear Science Engineering | 9 | ايران | طهران | 2006 | 304 | 620 | R 788 | |
3 | Seyed Mohammad Zia | Applied Physics | 11 | ايران | طهران | 2004 | 256 | 530 | H 678 | |
4 | Mitra Ahmad Soltani | Microbilogy | 1 | ايران | طهران | 2008 | 177 | 576 | S 691 | |
5 | Saeed Irian | Cell and Molecular Biology | 1 | ايران | طهران | 2010 | 290 | 574.87 | I 69 | |
6 | Ahmad Sabouri | Laboratory Technology | 9 | ايران | طهران | 2013 | 309 | 628.55 | S 113 | |
7 | Vahid Resa | Information Technology | 7 | ايران | طهران | 2013 | 210 | 628.55 | R 467 | |
8 | Esmail Faghih | Physics | 11 | ايران | طهران | 2012 | 241 | 530 | F 151 | 56 |